Annual General Meeting

Saturday 29th June 2024

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Kidney Association CLG (IKA) will be held on:

Saturday 29th June at 12.30pm, in the Aula Maxima in UCC, 60 College Road, University College Cork, T12K5W, followed by lunch at 2pm.

Overnight accommodation is available in The Victoria Mills Student Accommodation, booking can be made via

They are offering a keen rate for IKA members:

  • Single ensuite for €60.00 per night.
  • Double ensuite for €90.00 per night.

Each room is contained in a two or three bed apartment with access to a shared kitchen.

What Does The Future Hold For Kidney Patients?

Professor Plant with baby Croía, newborn daughter of his patient Colette Hawe
Professor Plant with baby Croía, newborn daughter of his patient Colette Hawe
Proffesor Plant with Cork IKA Branch members during Organ Donor Awareness Week 2024
Proffesor Plant with Cork IKA Branch members during Organ Donor Awareness Week 2024

We are delighted that Professor Liam Plant has agreed to join us on the day of our AGM to share his insights and wisdom on what the future holds for kidney patients.

Where: Aula Maxima theatre, University College Cork, T12 Y6HP

When: Saturday 29th June (After lunch which is scheduled for 2pm)

In 1982, Professor Plant was the individual winner of the prestigious Irish Times Debate and his engaging, and often humorous, approach to public speaking is well known and appreciated by patients and colleagues alike. “You’d be hard pushed to find a better speaker” is a common refrain.

Prof. Liam Plant has been a great supporter of the work of the Irish Kidney Association over the years and has always encouraged patient engagement in healthcare delivery. Described by patients as a person who really cared for you, Liam has been appreciated by so many for his generosity with his time and his empathy.

Professor Liam Plant, a “polymath of renal medicine,” has been described as “good at everything,” because he reads so much. His colleagues say that he
“epitomises the characteristics of a great clinician and academic: Someone who believes in what they do and commits to it. But not only that, he is somebody who relentlessly questions what they do, tries to improve things, and tries to make things better,”

Alongside his clinical work, with over 75 publications and having taken up the role of the first Clinical Director of the National Renal Office as well as having held the role of President of the Irish Nephrology Society, Liam’s contribution to the development of renal healthcare in Ireland has been significant.

Don’t miss a great opportunity to hear about what the future holds for kidney patients.


Here at the IKA we're more than happy to assist you with anything you might need. If you've got any questions or concerns then please feel free to use the contact form on the right to send us a message.

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