Donegal Branch Information Stand

The Donegal Branch of the IKA will be hosting an information stand during Organ Donor Awareness Week at Supervalu, Donegal Town.

Ducky Deed Derby

The first event from Ducky Deed, honouring organ donor Aaron Cantwell and celebrating the gift of life. The Ducky Deed Derby is a swimming event in the Aura Leisure Centre, Navan. For more information, follow @duckydeed on Instagram.

The Rare Kidney Disease Foundation Annual Patient Roundtable

The Rare Kidney Disease Foundation is a patient-led collaborative established in 2018 by an ADTKD family. They focus on raising awareness, building community, and advocating effectively for ADTKD patients and families. Register for this Zoom event now:

Leitrim Branch Information Stand

The Leitrim Branch of the IKA will be hosting an information stand during Organ Donor Awareness Week at the farmers market in Carrick on Shannon.

Tell us about your event or fundraiser supporting the IKA and we will add it to our calendar!